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Received too much student finance

A check may show that you have received too much student finance. This means you need to repay any money that you were not entitled to. Can’t DUO deduct the resulting debt from your student finance? And don’t you pay back the amount in time? Then the overpaid amount will automatically become a loan.

Deducting from your student finance

As long as you receive student finance, we will deduct an amount from your student finance each month to settle the debt. You cannot choose to pay the debt later.

We are permitted to deduct up to €208.65 per month in 2025. This amount may be higher if you have also received too much tuition fee loan.

Repaying the overpaid amount as a lump sum

If we can no longer deduct the debt from your student finance, you will receive a request for payment. You can repay the remaining debt in a single, interest-free payment. The request for payment will include all payment information, such as the account number and payment reference.

Automatic conversion into a loan

If you do not repay the money before the due date stated on the request for payment, the remaining debt automatically becomes a loan. If you already have a student loan, the extra amount will be added to that. Two years after the end of your studies, you have to start repaying your student loan on a monthly basis.

If your studies ended more than 2 years ago, you need to start repayments sooner. We will send you a notice first. Repayments start about 4 months after this.

The new loan is covered by the same rules as any other student loan. This means you will be charged interest, beginning from the month of the due date stated on the request for payment.


If you disagree with a decision, you can lodge an objection. This does not give you the right to delay payment of the debt.