Payment free period

You can temporarily stop paying off your student loan. This is called a payment free period. The reason does not matter. You cannot use a payment free period for a lifelong learning credit.

Payment free period not always necessary

If you ask us to reduce your monthly instalments, we calculate how much you can repay based upon your income. This can mean that you pay a lot less each month, or even nothing at all. So a payment free period may not be necessary.

Differences between payment free period and reduced monthly instalments
Reduced monthly instalments Payment free period
The amount due each month is based upon your income. Your repayments are suspended temporarily
This new amount could even be zero, if your income is low enough. You do not have to pay anything during the payment free period, but you can make voluntary extra repayments.
You may need to provide supporting documents, such as proof of income. Your request for a repayment holiday is granted automatically. You do not need to provide any supporting documents.
You can continue paying a reduced amount for the remainder of your loan period. Your application is extended automatically. You can suspend your repayments for a total of 60 months (5 years).
Your remaining repayment period decreases. Your remaining repayment period remains the same.

Payment free period rules

  • You can suspend your repayments for a total of 60 months. This can be all at once or spread over several periods. You can make voluntary extra repayments.
  • Your debt continues to accrue interest.
  • The repayment phase (15 or 35 years) is extended by the number of your payment free months you use.
  • You cannot use a payment free period for a lifelong learning credit.

Apply in Mijn DUO

You can apply voor the payment free period for the first time two months before your mandatory repayment phase starts. You can request a payment free period in Mijn DUO. Do this no later than the 1st day of the month in which you want it to begin.

Log in to Mijn DUOwith DigiD

Applications from abroad

Even outside the Netherlands you can log in to Mijn DUO with your DigiD.

If you are unable to log in, please use a form Changes loan repayment.

Applying from the Caribbean region

Do you live in the Caribbean region? On we explain how you can apply for a payment-free period.