Loan statement
To find out how much you owe, check 'Mijn schulden' in Mijn DUO. You can find notifications about your debt under ‘Mijn berichten’. These can be printed out.
If you need a statement of debt for a mortgage application or tax return, often the information in Mijn DUO is sufficient. Somebody else cannot ask for a loan statement on your behalf, unless you have authorized them.
Statement of debt for a mortgage application
In the Netherlands, your student debt or lifelong learning credit is taken into account when calculating how much you can borrow for a mortgage. Most mortgage lenders therefore want proof of this. Go to Rijksoverheid (link in Dutch) Link opent externe pagina to read how your student loan affects your mortgage.
DUO has agreed with lenders that you can provide that proof by submitting the notification stating how much you must pay back each month. This notification states the total debt, the remaining number of months you are due to repay and the interest rate. You can find this notification in Mijn DUO, under ‘Mijn berichten’.
Which notification?
Each year in November, the monthly instalments for the following calender year are calculated. The resulting notification is important to the mortgage lenders. The notification states the current amount of the monthly instalments, the total debt, the remaining number of months you are due to repay and the interest rate.
Have you made voluntary additional repayments? And has this reduced your remaining monthly instalments? If so, you will receive a new notification. This notification is relevant for the mortgage lender as well.
My repayment phase hasn’t started yet
If your repayment phase hasn’t started, you have not yet received a notification about your repayments. In this situation you can ask for a loan statement using our online contact form. You will receive this by post within 12 office days. Indicate on the form which information you need. Depending upon your situation, you will receive the following information:
- your original debt balance at the start of the repayment phase
- your current debt balance, including interest accrued
- your current interest rate and its period of validity
- the amounts of any additional repayments made and their value dates
- your old and new monthly instalments, and their starting dates
- the remaining term of your debt
- confirmation of full repayment
- confirmation of the option to switch repayment rules.
My repayment phase has started, but I can’t find the notification
If you are unable to find the notification in Mijn DUO, you can ask for a copy using our online contact form. You will receive this by post within 12 office days.
Full statement of debt
If you need a more detailed statement of debt, we can e-mail it to you on request. But this is only possible if you have registered a valid e-mail address in Mijn DUO. To protect your privacy, we cannot e-mail notifications, messages or other files. Also, your request must come from the e-mail address registered in Mijn DUO.
To request a full statement of debt, use our online contact form. Indicate on the form which information you need. Depending upon your situation, you will receive the following information:
- your original debt balance at the start of the repayment phase
- your current debt balance, including interest accrued
- your current interest rate and its period of validity
- the amounts of any additional repayments made and their value dates
- your old and new monthly instalments, and their starting dates
- the remaining term of your debt
- confirmation of full repayment
- confirmation of the option to switch repayment rules.
Annual statement for Dutch tax authorities
In most cases, you do not need to declare your outstanding student debt when filing a tax return in the Netherlands. For this reason, we do not send you an annual statement as standard. If you do want to know your current debt balance, you can find it in Mijn DUO under ‘Mijn schulden’. And under ‘Schuldhistorie’ you will find the amounts you owed on 31 December of previous years.
Do you live in the Dutch Caribbean? And have you paid off your student debt? Then you will receive an annual statement.
When filing your 2024 tax returms, you do need to declare your outstanding student debt if:
- the amount outstanding is more than €3,700 if you are single or more than €7,400 if you have a partner, and
- your assets in Box 3 (savings and investments) exceed the exemption threshold. In 2024 that is €57,000 for single persons or €114,000 for couples, with the reference date being January 1, 2024.
To find out more, go to the Dutch Tax Administration website Link opent externe pagina .
No access to Mijn DUO
If you have no access to Mijn DUO, use our online contact form instead to ask for your 2024 annual statement. You will receive the statement by post within 1 week.